
Developed a private, open-source Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system designed to enhance information retrieval and provide context-aware responses. This project leverages a custom parsing pipeline to convert PDF documents into a vectorial database, making the data easily accessible and searchable.

PDF Parsing Pipeline

  • Objective: Convert PDF documents into a structured, searchable format.
  • Process:
    • Implemented a parsing pipeline to extract text and metadata from PDF files.
    • Transformed the extracted information into vector representations for efficient retrieval.
    • Stored the vectors in a vectorial database for quick and accurate access.

RAG System

  • Functionality: Integrates retrieval and generation capabilities to answer queries with contextually relevant information.
  • Features:
    • Vectorial Database: Houses parsed PDF data in vector format, facilitating rapid search and retrieval.
    • LangChain Integration: Manages the workflow and coordinates interactions between components.
    • LlamaIndex: Powers the indexing and retrieval mechanisms, ensuring high performance and scalability.

Technologies Used

  • LangChain: Orchestrates the end-to-end workflow and component integration.
  • LlamaIndex: Supports indexing and retrieval processes.
  • Open Source Tools: Utilized for parsing PDFs and vectorizing data.

Implementation Highlights

  • LangChain Integration:
    • Coordinated the PDF parsing, vectorization, and retrieval processes.
    • Ensured seamless interaction between different components.
  • LlamaIndex Utilization:
    • Implemented robust indexing and fast retrieval of vectorized data.
    • Enabled context-aware responses through efficient data management.


  • Efficient Retrieval: Quick access to relevant information from large sets of PDFs.
  • Context-Aware Responses: Provides detailed and accurate answers based on the context.
  • Scalable Solution: Handles large volumes of data with high performance.


The RAG project offers a powerful solution for transforming PDF documents into a searchable vectorial database, enhancing information retrieval and enabling sophisticated query responses. This open-source system combines cutting-edge technologies to deliver robust, context-aware results.